Sunday, April 10, 2011

Two propellers and a gear-pulley....

We had an interesting packet delivered to us this weekend containing two plastic propellers and a gear-pulley.

Okay, this might seem strange to some but when you are a homeschooling family...well its like the Forrest Gump box of chocolates isn't it? You never know what you're gonna get!
I had previously posted how we had joined up with an online science program, we've just haven't had the time to really begin doing the lessons because of stress and life getting in the way. Seems like someone noticed and wanted to spark up some we get two propellers and a gear-pulley......

Encouragement received and looks like it time for some science seems these items are sometimes hard to find but we need them for three different projects.
The Hovercraft project, the Jigglebot Robotics project (Yeah, I know....I can't wait to try that one either, Jigglebot!) and the Laser Light Show.
I'll be sure to post our experiments so you can see how much fun we have doing them. If you are interested in some of the free science lessons they offer you can read more about them in my previous posting.

So nice to get something in the mail that wasn't a bill!

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